Emma Burkhartn

Imagem de Emma Burkhartn
por Emma Burkhartn - sexta, 8 novembro 2013, 11:04
Todo o mundo
Contesting a Will in the United Kingdom (UK).

If you are a ' upset beneficiary', grief may soon submit to confusion, regret (sometimes even anger) when a friend you considered was actually close to you dies and fails to leave you anything in their last will and testament-- or at the very least not as much as you felt they could.

Because of strengthening residential property prices over the decades, lot of people leave an estate that is truly worth a extensive sum of money. Tensions and feelings can reach boiling point when disagreements in the household erupt about inheritance issues. Apprehensions may also arise if you feel the will doesn't reflect the desires of the deceased. Sibling contentions can develop after years of bitterness or simply through absence of communication. Contest a Will Contesting a will is really demanding in regards to time and emotional effort. That is why calm, fair, competent and effective legal guidance is even more important if you do conclude to contest a will. If your challenge is successful and the will is cancelled, the next latest valid will stands in its place. If no such will exists, the stipulations of intestacy will apply as an alternative. In spite of the will, you may possibly in fact be entitled to payment from the estate under the Inheritance Act 1975.

If you see yourself to be a dissatisfied beneficiary, the most common concerns you'll want addressed are:.

Can I contest the will?
Can I make a claim under the Inheritance Act?

How to contest a will.

You can not contest a will solely because you are troubled with its contents but you can challenge its legitimacy. In order for a last will and testament to be valid, it must be signed by the deceased (the person making the will) in the presence of two witnesses. It is also important that the now deceased was compos mentis and was completely aware of the meaning of the will at the time the last will and testament was created and that they were not being profoundly or unduly influenced by another individual when making their last will and testament.

This challenge could be successful if it can be shown that the now deceased person (the person making the will) did not understand the result of the will they made or the extent of the property they were disposing of. Medical evidence to that effect is the most persuasive and compelling argument when testamentary capacity is challenged. However, as the testator will no longer be alive, this will likely come from medical records, so obtaining these will be crucial.
A mental health expert may also be consulted to supply an judgement about the testator's mental capacity to understand fully the meaning and implications of the will that was made if those medical records prove to be inconclusive. Gaining access to the files of the deceased's solicitor may also prove useful as legal advisers are strongly encouraged to keep thorough notes concerning their client's well being when there is any doubt about capacity.
Demonstrating undue influence.
This challenge needs proof that the individual making the last will and testament was pressured by another person during the time they made their will. Proving coercion is key to this challenge and without definite evidence of coercion any influence applied will not be considered 'undue'. Someone who persistently pleads with or suggests to the testator before they made their will that they should leave them something in their will as a token of their appreciation for past services may be considered mercenary, but is acting entirely legitimately and those repeated hints may not constitute coercion.